About Kejora
Kejora Capital invests and works with first-class founders to build transformative ventures that bring positive impacts to the world. Since its inception in 2014, Kejora has focused on helping founders and businesses succeed in Southeast Asia. Our support goes beyond financial investments - we bring solid regional network, backed by valuable experience and local market insights.
Our unique resources help our founders stand out and thrive at every stage of their company's development.
Why Work with
Kejora Capital?
Kejora is built by founders for founders, and every single aspect of our firm is focused on being hands-on and helping extraordinary founders succeed.
Our support goes beyond just financial investments. We offer valuable experience, market understanding, and insights based on our own experience as founders. Moreover, we are hands-on in day-to-day activities of the portfolios.
Kejora is a full-lifecycle fund, aiming to participate in multiple investment rounds throughout the entire process from seed to harvest.
We invest from the seed-stage, when an idea takes shape, and follow-on through to the harvest-stage when a company is established and successful.
Instead of portfolio-focused, we look deep into the entire vertical and build strong synergies between portfolios and solidified through partnerships with strategic corporations.
This approach allows us to create more value for our portfolio companies and investors, while helping to create a more integrated ecosystem within the industries we invest in. By taking this approach, we aim to create long-term value and sustainability for all stakeholders.
We are highly selective in our investments.
We conduct extensive research and scrutiny on the sectors we invest in, which allows us to give each company the attention and support it deserves.
"Kejora is actively hands-on to support the portfolio beyond the investment itself. We strategically build the synergies between our companies, providing the support they need to grow and engaging with them on an operational level."
— Andy Zain, Managing Partner
"Our founder-focused investment philosophy guides us to create, build and scale our portfolio companies. Our vast experience in venture building and strong and robust network of key decision makers within the corporate and individual client sectors will help our founders and companies to thrive."
— Billy Boen, Partner, Fund Director
"We apply 10 times more scrutiny than other VCs to ensure that we make the best possible decisions for our LPs. This level of diligence is a key part of our investment strategies and helps us to make well-informed, strategic decisions that drive our long-term success."
— Andreas Surya, Partner, Director of Investments